The International Climate Initiative (IKI) focuses on the conservation, expansion and connection of protected areas, sustainable use and the reduction of degradation and fragmentation of ecosystems, this through investments, advice to governments, technology transfer and awareness. Learn more about the efforts being made to conserve biological diversity in the region.
PolliLAC: Regional action for enhanced protection of pollinating insects and pollination services in Latin America
The project aims to protect natural ecosystems and adapt productive (agricultural) systems to safeguard pollinator ecosystem services and reduce the vulnerability of local communities associated with pollinator declines in Latin America. It contributes to international efforts by strengthening regional knowledge management, promoting policies, and mobilizing resources including private funding. It also implements pollinator-friendly practices in selected landscapes.

Project data
- Scope: Regional
- Country: Costa Rica
- Status: Active
Implementing organization:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Political partner:
- Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) - Costa Rica
Implementing partner:
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Online:
Last update: May 2024