AGENDA 4th Regional IKI Workshop 2024

September 17-19, 2024 – Hotel Radisson, San José, Costa Rica

The Regional Workshop promotes the exchange of knowledge between implementing organizations and partners of projects funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) in Central America and the Caribbean.

This space allows for strengthening the network of IKI projects, seeking common challenges and sharing solutions, as well as visualizing the impacts achieved by international cooperation in the region.

Check the agenda for the next three days.

Time (GTM-6) Activity
8:30 Registration of participants
9:00 Welcome and context
(This activity will be streamed)

Official opening remarks on behalf of the Governments of Germany and Costa Rica

  • Adriana Bonilla, director, Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica
  • Alexandra Herr, minister-counselor, German Embassy in Costa Rica

(This activity will be streamed)


Presentation on behalf of the International Climate Initiative (IKI)

  • Berit von Kurnatowski, policy officer, Federal Ministry for Economic
    Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
  • Moritz Weber, policy officer, Federal Ministry for the Environment,
    Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

(This activity will be streamed)

11:00 Coffee break
11:20 Speed Dating
Networking activity among projects
12:30 Lunch
13:30 The IKI ecosystem in the region
Activity to get to know the current IKI portfolio
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Warm Data Lab
Group discussion on various topics
16:45 Summary and impressions day 1
17:00 Cocktail reception
Networking between IKI projects, donors and partners

Time (GTM-6) Activity
8:30 Registration of participants
9:00 Welcome and instructions for day 2
Zurquí III meeting room

News from the International Climate Initiative 

  • Petra Nieland, project manager and adaptation specialist, IKI Office of ZUG

Zurquí III meeting room

10:30 Coffee break

Side events – Part I 

Get to know the different side events here

Aligning Financial Flows with Investor Actions for Nature: Perspectives and Strategies within the TNFD Framework

Zurquí III (main meeting room)

Monitoring and Evaluation in IKI projects: Challenges, Best Practices, and Needs
(ACCION Clima and IKI Office)

Zurquí II (parallel meeting room)

12:30 Lunch

Psychological Resilience for Biodiversity Crisis
(Raising Coral Costa Rica)

Zurquí III (main meeting room)

Blended finance for technological transition
(NDC Action)

Zurquí II (parallel meeting room)

2:45 Coffee break

Gender, Biodiversity, and Climate Change: Challenges, Best Practices, and Needs of IKI Projects
(ACCION Clima and EbA LAC)

Zurquí III (main meeting room)

Land - Sea Interconnection: Highlighting the Link Between Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Zurquí II (parallel meeting room)

4:20 Impressions, outlook and next steps
4:40 Summary and closing
5:00 End of workshop

Option 1 | EbA and Water Security: Success Factors applied to the Rural Context in Costa Rica 

Time (GTM-6) Activity

Departure from hotel Radisson

Introduction to the EbA LAC programme 
Context and actors involved in water security in rural areas 

Breakfast served on the road

8:00 Arrival at Sarapiquí and walk to visit the spring  
Dialogue on the provision of water to rural populations in the context of climate change 
9:30 Transfer to the office of the Integrated ASADA of Sarapiquí and refreshments

Dialogue on scaling-up EbA for water security

  • Strategies for scaling up EbA for water security
  • The role of institutions and how to strengthen them 
  • Challenges, solutions, and lessons learned 
11:30 Transfer to Óleo Bosque farm
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Contextualization of the venture
Tour of the Óleo Bosque tourism project

Landscape governance to scale up EbA: the role of Biological Corridors

Seed capital for sustainable start-ups

Examples of sustainable start-ups

Dialogue on 

  • Success factors for scaling up EbA  
  • The perspective of land users and experiences in mainstreaming EbA through rural start-ups
  • The role of institutions in creating incentives for adopting EbA 
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Transfer back to Radisson hotel in San José
17:00 Estimated arrival at Hotel Radisson and end of field trip

Option 2 | New generations in sustainable coffee production: agricultural renewal, new technologies and waste management

Time (GTM-6) Activity

Departure at Hotel Radisson

Introduction to the Transforma-Innova Programme and the Innova Verde competition in the Costa Rican coffee sector

Breakfast served on the road

8:00 Arrival at San Cristóbal Norte and visit of the project “Preservation and improvement of the environment through sustainable coffee cultivation combined with agroforestry and the use of organic fertilizers
9:00 Coffee break and transfer to second project
9:20 Tour of the project “New KaffeeTal: Technological Model for Sustainable Production, Permanence and Integration of Generations in Coffee Farming”
10:20 Transfer to Coopetarrazú coffee mill
11:00 Presentation on behalf of Coopetarrazú coffee mill on the Coffee NAMA and the project "Phase 1 of developing a bio-pesticide against coffee cochinilla"
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Tour of the Coopetarrazú coffee mill
14:00 Coffee tasting
15:00 Transfer back to Radisson hotel in San José
16:30 Estimated arrival at Hotel Radisson and end of field trip